Shedko Folderico 4.0 Rc12

Note 'Shedko folderico' had some bug in integration to context menu on 64bit system. I use the portable version which can not create context menu entry but 'Filemenu Tools' helps to create an 'open with' entry in its menu so any folder can be opened with 'Shedko FolderIco' and the icon can be customized. Shedko offers Folderico 4.0 RC12 (current version). Shedko FolderIco was copyrighted in 2006-2007 under Shedko software, Belarus, where this giveaway is copyrighted 2014. Shedko is free, this one is $9.99 for a limited time offer. Tried them both, and I'm not seeing any differences at all in function or layout, maybe a couple colors are.

Shedko Folderico 4 RC12:


Among the first of things when Windows 7 launched, users needed a stable program which can quickly change the folder icons and restore them back to the original state in one click. So we are happy to present a really good stable app for this purpose. Folderico is a brilliant one-stop solution for all the folder icon changing needs.
There are plenty of users who love to organize their folders based on priority, it also makes it easier to find a specific important folder from among hundreds of sub-folders. What better way than to change the folder icon to something more eye-candy?

Integration with Explorer

Seamless integration with Windows Explorer and core services. Folderico adds item in contex menu of Windows Explorer and core services.
On Windows 64-bit are only lightweight version of the context menu.

Custom themes

Folderico uses special format SFT as themes. These files are automatically associated with the program and are fully-processed.
Folderico also support to use ICL-files and themes from iColorFolder.
Shedko Folderico 3.7.2
Homepage:Shedko Folderico 4.0 Rc12
Allows to change icons of the chosen folder to any chosen by you. And even at connection of a hard disk to other computer of an icon will remain such what they were made by you.
You can change an icon of any folder, with any method which is pleasant to you more
-Through context menu with preliminary viewing of the icon
-Through dialog, also with preliminary viewing of the icon
Download:Write settings to: application folder. All the options are saved in folderico.ini
already check that it does not write to registry..need further confirmation
How to extract:Folderico icons
Download and extract Folderico 3.7.2.exe using Universal can remove $PLUGINSDIR folder, [NSIS].nsi and folderico372.dll

Folderico Icons

Shedko folderico 4.0 rc12.ziprun the program by launching Folderico.exe

Shedko Folderico Download

The program works with 2 way and since we uniextract it, we cannot change icon through context menu.

Folderico Free

But still it can run full function well through

Shedko Folderico 4.0
