Import Points Into Autocad

Click Home tab Create Ground Data panel Points menu Point Creation Tools Find. On the Create Points toolbar, click the Import Points button. In the Import Points dialog box, click, and select the point data files you want to import. Importing points is a quick way to place points into a drawing. For example, if a surveyor collects point data using a data collector, the data can be downloaded from the collector as an ASCII (text) file and then imported into an AutoCAD Civil 3D drawing. Before you can import, export, or transfer point data, you must specify a point file. Products and versions covered. Then copy and paste the embed code into your own web page. Visit AutoCAD LT forum.

I have a Text document in which i have x,y & z co-ordinates. How can i import it in AutoCAD for plotting Lines?

Import Points Into Autocad

3 Answers

Import Points Into Autocad From Csv

It is possible to automate the input of xyz coordinates directly in Autocad without installing special plugins (10.000 points (xyz) in less than 5 minutes).
You can use an XLS-file to generate the automated input of points.
Also polarcoordinates are possible.
See my example on GrabCAD - Geometric survey


Importing Points Into Autocad


A lisp routine can be generated to read in your text file line by line, if you upload the text file I will make an attempt for you. I will need to know if you want points generated or a line from co-ordinate to co-ordinate. If it is a short file you may just want to cut and paste it on the command line with a few edits to the text file.

You can use the ASCPOINT free utility or you can insert TXT or RTF text files into your drawing by either importing the text or dragging a file icon from Windows Explorer. Imported text files are limited to 256 KB and must have a file extension of .txt or .rtf.

You can use commands to import point data, export point data, and transfer point data between files.

Using AutoCAD Civil 3D, you can:

  • Import points into a drawing from either an ASCII (text) file or a Microsoft® Access database (.mdb) file.
  • Export points from a drawing to either an ASCII (text) file or a Microsoft® Access database file.
  • Transfer points from an ASCII (text) file or a Microsoft® Access database file to another file. You can convert the point data during the transfer, which can include changing the coordinate zone.

Importing points is a quick way to place points into a drawing. For example, if a surveyor collects point data using a data collector, the data can be downloaded from the collector as an ASCII (text) file and then imported into an AutoCAD Civil 3D drawing.

Before you can import, export, or transfer point data, you must specify a point file format for each file that point data is read from or written to. The point file format describes how the point data is stored in the file. You can use the point file formats that are supplied with AutoCAD Civil 3D or create your own formats.

Topics in this section

  • Understanding Point File Formats

    Use a point file format to describe how point data is arranged in a file when you import, transfer, or export points.

  • Point File Formats Collection (Settings Tab)

    Use the Point File Formats collection in the Settings tree to create and manage point file formats.

  • Point File Format Properties

    Use a dialog box to view or change the properties of a point file format.

  • Using Point File Format Properties to Perform Calculations

    Use some columns in a point file format to perform calculations, such as adjusting the elevation values.

  • Managing Point File Formats

    Use the Settings tree to manage point file formats. You can share a point file format and print a list of the point file formats in a drawing.

  • Creating Point File Formats

    Create two types of point file formats: a user point file format and a user point database format.

  • Editing Point File Formats

    Use the Settings tree to access formats you want to change or delete.

  • Importing Point Data

    Import point data from an ASCII (text) file or a Microsoft® Access .mdb file into a drawing.

  • Importing Point Data from an ASCII File Containing User Defined Columns

    Before you import point data from an ASCII (text) file that contains user-defined columns you must create a User-Defined Property Classification.

  • Exporting Point Data

    Export drawing points to an ASCII (text) file or a Microsoft® Access .mdb file.

  • Transferring and Converting Point Data

    Use point file formats to transfer point data from one format to another and to convert the coordinate system of a set of points.